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In sixteen thousand years ago ( from the Wizard Legion are stupid provoke a long time ago ),nike free, trolls ruled large parts of Azeroth ( then the only piece of the continent ), where there are two twin giant magic Empire - Gurubashi Empire and forests in the southeastern jungles of Central Amani Empire. In the far north there is a small tribe living ( the place is now called the continent of Northrend ), these tribes built a small country called Goodacre, but absolutely not and the size and prosperity of the South compared to the Empire.

At the time, nike free run common enemy is the third largest empire - insects Ahn'Qiraj cheap jordans civilization. Ruled the distant western Ahn'Qiraj is wise insect -shaped creatures. These intelligent insect -shaped creature is eager to expand its territory and is very evil. Ahn'Qiraj committed to remove all non- insect creature on Azeroth. Trolls for several years with the fight, but never won Ahn'Qiraj victory in the true sense. Finally, under the indomitable will of the trolls, the Kingdom Ahn'Qiraj was split in half, cheap nike free run Wormhole residents fled north and the south.Although cheap nike free run victory, but the two are not the empire 's territory expanded cheap nike free run many in the original basis. However, a small faction mentioned in ancient books from the Amani trolls empire and excavations in the center of the Dark Continent cheap nike free run own colony. There, these brave pioneers discovered the Well of Eternity, and has become a powerful force cheap nike free run creatures. Some legends refer to these brave explorers trolls is the first night elves, although this hypothesis has never been confirmed. In addition to the cheap nike free run secret origin, is well known, the night elves discovered Eternity in soon after became stronger and stronger.

Use of those superstitious trolls never imagined powerful magic,cheap nike free run, elves did was evil murderous Ahn'Qiraj Zerg failed to be able to do things : to subvert the time two of the world 's most powerful empire. Elf systematically destroyed the troll 's defense and supply chain. Trolls can not resist the devastating magic elves, elves surrender under fierce attack. War proved completely wizard at some point and seek as much savage trolls and slay - the latter resulting in the wizard always full of hate and abhor.

