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Tang Qiu also found these guys do not want into the lake shore, but nike air max 90 useless to stop, regardless of Zhashui, are in training, no aliasing. In addition, firearms training is the most interesting players. Tang Qiu brought into the base of the firearms and ammunition enough players training purposes, so that cheap nike air max require players familiar with firearms structure from the beginning, each person must be skilled demolition guns, get familiar with it, master it, and each team must master each existing firearms, what Mauser ah, three eight cover ah, bastard box ah, 1996 light machine gun ah, Japanese melon grenades ah, okay, not two days, full of holes all firearms parts, skilled players can close your eyes until the demolition of firearms, and have to say that the quality of these players is really first-rate, young, head so that, to acquire new knowledge is fast, which makes Tang Qiu very happy, quite happy, originally thought to be trained in this program costs quite a long time, it now appears, six, cheap ugg boots seven days would be sufficient.

This does not, Today, Tiger Hill have found Tang Qiu Li put forward new requirements, the team played into the base commander, and he 's no longer shout Xiaoqiu Xiaoqiu, this guy also understand that this is not a small partner random slapstick time. Commander, we can give a little more than sink in and then get hold of this guy, put a bullet still more than now, ye also conveniently do not feel it? Listen to Tiger Hill say, Tang Yuen Qiu good runaway, and also light ? That only heavy machine guns, and can be operated that trio, trekking, later to nike australia get one, put that with the good, the war, when it can be pointed to cheap nike air max fire suppression !

Everything preparation is done, the next step is the most important firing, and each team will use different guns, bullets tube children enough, no matter what kind of gun used, the goal should be to achieve a shot down the standards, which under guys, cave deafening gunfire, smoke. In order to consider everything from combat, Tang Qiu does not require players to practice target dead, cheap nike air max ingenuity came up with an idea, and that is when each firing, use of a natural cave walls, there are fifteen players, you want to target over there to take a long wooden children above tagging, hidden after a good, above his head, back and forth non-stop dancing, aiming to increase the difficulty of its cheap nike air max good players in accordance with the specified number, respectively Shots that goal, called playing live targets.

