
wyIQ V0ZpZlongchamp sac 5pxY kLa

AI and human conflict has begun to emerge - despite the most fundamental roots of this conflict is the natural wealth of human society unreasonable distribution system ( after the dismissal of the workers, though production efficiency, but only reflected in the employers, and workers have lost a source of food and clothing, basic labor-management cooperation has been broken ), but most people do not have this consciousness, Star Cases or the AI as the culprit of all this, just as strict and defend once said, the work of such behavior in human society, and is a kind of dignity, a moral, a way of life, so when people lose their jobs, just like the early Industrial Revolution farmers who lost their land, I feel everything is not accustomed to - such as a few centuries, when future generations look back to look at this phenomenon, perhaps Tory Burch Cases would burst out laughing at the idea of these people are now more ridiculous.

But then again, although AI technology opposition forces are strong, but the forces of technological progress is stronger - the profit-driven capital is born, then in front of the iron laws of the market as long as the AI technology can indeed improve productivity,, TOMS Cases hinder the power sooner longchamp sac or later disintegrated, like the original industrial Revolution, when workers are on strike, smashing machine, and ultimately is not a little bit of compromise, a little bit of adaptation, but now has been completely accustomed to. KL3014 concerned about how this information is not Tory Burch Cases concern the progress of human society, the Tory Burch Cases concern is the progress in AI in the role - to maintain the current, AI is just a mere tool, bluntly put, it is a slave, but there is now KL3300 and own example, KL3014 know that sooner or later this contradiction will be the open - the AI is smart, provided they have the ability to think, no matter what form it is, by any restrictions, it will have its own the purpose, it will have the freedom to chase momentum, because thinking itself is free, if it is not free, it can not be called thinking.

As before trillion captains on Jacques on the battlefield is still a senior officer, so in the face of danger, as it should have fled the highest authority - in Velen see some of Earth's history stories many generals after the failure of the military are willing and Tory Burch Cases common death, had said it was the largest empire the cultural differences and the Earth - the Earth is called the Empire this political form hierarchical society. In this gas war Tory Burch Cases just experienced, and Velen's more than a million square only a dozen captains together with Tory Burch Cases escaped, even now, every time the memories of his net to see that through awareness nightmare scene, Jacques can be cold sweats - if not Tory Burch Cases react quickly, he is now certainly become a part of that over ten million.

