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Xiazhao Chen puzzled frown, is just clouds it? Tan Lang body slowly sat down, muttered: No, according to Qin 's strength Prada Cases impossible to rise to such a perverted tragedy. There should be an expert hidden within the city hospital. Yes, it must be so...... fortunately finally did fall, gradually dissipated. Otherwise, not to mention the magic, half heavenly will complete annihilation. Star Cases Hearts do not believe, do not want to believe just that terrible tragedy and Qin related. Xiazhao Chen cautiously asked: Master, which Star Cases older students it?

Zhi- mouth spit blood, weakly road, if it is Master protect the back of me, I can not stay now. Xiazhao Chen face became pale, greedy wolf is indifferent and said: That group of waste, practicing for so many years, but also a heavy low-grade level, death is dead, no big deal. Xiazhao Chen thought for a moment and asked: Master, the last time Ray Ban Cases leave the city hospital, the disciples dared ask. Today venture to ask, why does not directly kill the day Star Cases Qin it? Very simple, he would ' universe knowing shaped spell '!

But then suddenly being Daughter, the spell this lost. But do not expect that it can reproduce an intern at the world body. Knowing shaped amulets universe ? Ma Zhi frown, is that kid out of the gestures in the air emitting fonts? Tan Lang nodded : Star Cases Star Cases Shizu also have heard from coming, but after the fight, it should not go wrong. What Xiazhao Chen seems to think, hesitated and said: Master, Star Cases remember a while ago when North tyrant father proud bamboo old devil had shot to Thunder Tiger, crutches strayed a hazy font.

